2025 Benefit Baldwin Raffle



To purchase raffle tickets online, click HERE


United Way of Baldwin County Official Raffle Rules

1. United Way of Baldwin County reserves the right to change any of the rules and/or the terms of this raffle. The odds of winning are based on the number of tickets purchased. There is no limit to the number of tickets an individual or business may purchase. 

2. Participants can become eligible for the raffle by purchasing a raffle ticket for $5 each, or $20 for 5 tickets. All net proceeds from the raffle benefit United Way of Baldwin County. By purchasing a ticket, the purchaser agrees to all terms and conditions as set forth in these Official Rules. Tickets are available at the following locations:

           - United Way of Baldwin County Office

           - Online at www.unitedway-bc.org/upcoming-events.

3. On March 28, 2025, one ticket per item will be selected through a random drawing from all raffle tickets purchased. Winners will be notified in person at the Clay Shoot event, however, if the winner is not present, the individual will be notified by telephone, email and/or mail using the information entered upon registering.

4. All net proceeds from the raffle benefit United Way of Baldwin County. By purchasing a ticket, the purchaser agrees to all terms and conditions as set forth in these Official Rules.

5. A ticket represents a chance to win the opportunity to accept an offer of the stated prize(s) on these terms and conditions. If you hold a ticket or a receipt, your ticket has been entered into the raffle. All tickets have an equal opportunity to be drawn.

6. Tickets, receipts, and the winners’ rights are not transferable unless by written authorization from a representative of United Way of Baldwin County.

7. Winners must accept prizes "AS IS, WHERE IS", subject to all latent and patent conditions, with absolutely no express or implied warranties of any kind by United Way of Baldwin County or any associated sponsor.

8. Prize will not be awarded, and will be forfeited if the ticket was issued in exchange for a check returned for “insufficient funds” or for a credit card charge deemed “declined,” “invalid” or “stolen.”
9. Prizes may not be substituted or exchanged by the winner.

10. In accordance with IRS rules and regulations, the cost of tickets is not tax deductible.

11. All sales of raffle tickets are final and there will be no refunds.

12. Winner shall have no rights in the prize until the prize is fully and unconditionally physically accepted by the winner. All prizes remain the sole property of United Way of Baldwin County until unconditionally accepted “as is, where is” by the winner.

13. Proper identification must be presented to claim the prize.

14. Acceptance of a prize is permission for United Way of Baldwin County, member agencies and other sponsors to use the name, picture, video image and relevant quotes of winner and agreement that the prize will not be used for further fundraising.

15. Winner is subject to all Federal and State income taxes and any other taxes payable due to acceptance of the prize and the law, regulations, procedures, rules and directives applicable to raffles. All federal, state and local laws relating to the transfer, ownership or use of the prize applies.

16. Purchase of this ticket constitutes full agreement by the purchaser that he/she agrees with all terms and conditions set forth herein.

17. Employees of United Way of Baldwin County and their immediate families are not eligible to participate or eligible to win any prize. "Immediate Family" is defined as any family member living in the employee's home.

18. United Way of Baldwin County and any associated sponsors assume no responsibility for any financial loss, personal injury, property damage, other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience or irregularity that winners may experience by any means.

19. Violations of any of these rules or attempts to win any contest by fraud, deception or cheating shall be grounds for United Way of Baldwin County to disqualify an individual from participating in all current and future contests and events at the sole discretion of United Way of Baldwin County, as well as forfeiture of any prize or prizes won by fraudulent means.

20. Ticket holders do not have to be present to win. If a ticket holder cannot be reached within two weeks of the drawing, a new winner will be selected and the original winner will forfeit his/her right to claim the prize in question.